Channel: The Stir By CafeMom: Blogger Adriana Velez
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11 Things Never to Say to a Gluten-Free Mom

Post by Adriana Velez.

breadSometimes the hardest thing about living life without gluten is finding tasty, nutritious alternatives. But you know what? Most celiacs and other gluten-sensitive people are finding more and better options every day. Now the hardest thing about living life without gluten is other people. Folks say the rudest, most ignorant things when they find out you're avoiding eating gluten. Honestly, why is this such a problem for them? Moms, has anyone ever said something like this to you?

1. A little bit won't hurt you. How the hell would you know?

2. There can't be THAT much wheat in that soy sauce. Do you really want me to test that theory of yours?

3. They said on the news that eating gluten-free isn't a good way to lose weight. For the 1000th time, I have a food allergy. I'm not trying to lose weight!

4. But what do your kids eat? Do they have to go gluten-free, too? My kids eat whatever they can find on the forest floor when I send them out on their own to forage for food, obviously. (Eye roll.) My kids can eat anything their little digestive systems can process.

5. Oh yeah, that's really popular these days. Right -- trust me, I'd eat the cake if I could.

6. Is gluten-free the new Atkins diet? No. Gluten-free is the new way for me to stay alive.

7. What happens if you eat gluten? Um, do you really want me to describe it?

More from The Stir: 6 Ways to Eat Gluten-Free at Restaurants Without Getting Sick

8. What!?! You can eat potatoes!? That's totally cheating. You don't really know what gluten is, do you?

9. Oh no, so you're one of those glu-tards. Yeah, way to nail two different insults with one portmanteau. You're classy.

10. Yeah, I tried going gluten free once and I didn't feel a thing. I think it's all a croc. No honey, not feeling a thing is the point. It's feeling something awful that I'm trying to avoid.

11. AFTER I was invited to dinner, promised that gluten-free wasn't a problem, and was about to take a bite: Oh, but there's just a spoonful of flour in there. It isn't a problem, is it? Not at all -- is it a problem if I spend the rest of the evening monopolizing your one bathroom?

What's the worst thing anyone has ever said to you about being a gluten-free mom?


Image via Christopher Reilly/Flickr

7 Celeb Wardrobe Malfunctions Flashing Where the Sun Don't Shine (PHOTOS)

Post by Adriana Velez.

rumer willisWhat would Demi Moore and Bruce Willis think? Their eldest daughter stepped out the other night in one of those cut-out dresses we're still seeing everywhere. She was sizzling! And then she turned to the side, and America went on OMG Rumer Willis Wardrobe Malfunction! Alert, code orange. Through the yawning gape of her hip-level cut-out, we got the perfect view of Rumer's hot pink panties. What on Earth was that girl thinking?!? Oh -- probably something along the lines of "everyone is going to love seeing my hot pink panties."

Should we even call them "wardrobe malfunctions" anymore? Given how deliberate they all seem lately, especially the less scandalous ones, I think we should come up with some new terms. How about "accidentally-on-purpose underwear flashing." Are cute undies the new must-see accessory? Take a look and see what you think.

Image via Rumer Willis/Instagram

Emma Stone Flashes Side Boob and Sexy Bangs at 'Spider-Man 2' Premiere (PHOTO)

Post by Adriana Velez.

emma stoneOne of our favorite celebs just hit the trifecta of red carpet style. At a premiere for Amazing Spider-Man 2, Emma Stone rocked side boob, bangs, and ombre color. All three at the same time, like she was running her very own trend relay race. If the second (yawn) Spider-Man movie wasn't already on your radar, it is now, thanks to Emma's tireless efforts. I still do not care about the movie. But hey, at least now I know how to update these old-ish trends for spring. 

Seriously, though, Emma does look (sorry for this) amazing. I'm so happy to see the return of her red hair. I always felt like that pale blond made her look too ice queen -- and with straight hair, she looks like Olivia Wilde's kid sister, not that that's such a bad thing. But now, with those shoulder-length ombre waves, it's like fire flaming her face.  

Emma has worn bangs before, so that's not so new for her. The fringe seems thicker this time around. After our long winter, the shorter bob with bangs feels fresh and summery, especially with that poppy pink lipstick and pale blue eye shadow.

But enough about Emma's hair. Let's talk about that pale Prada dress. I mean side boob blah blah blah, I could care less. I love how simple and graceful the dress is. The metallic trim gives it a harder edge but in a very light, restrained way. It's not screaming HEAVY METAL like a lot of the hardware trim we've seen the past few months.

Best of all, it's a dress that really suits her, both her figure and her personality. So while I give Spider-Whatever a thumbs sideways, I give this whole look a thumbs up. Now, about Andrew Garfield's buzz cut ... SIGH.

What do you think, is Emma doing a fresh take or just rehashing old trends?


Image via Splash News

Amazing Man Leaves Staggering Tip for Waitress Who Needed Help

Post by Adriana Velez.

bartenderIf you're wearing of hearing about all the mean things people write on restaurant bills and the obnoxious behavior behind and in front of the counter, here's a sweet story that gives us hope. A customer left his bartender a $1000 tip -- because of a dog in need of surgery. And when you hear the whole story you may want to hug them both (and maybe the dog, too). It all started when the customer noticed a paw print tattoo on the bartender Christina Summit's arm.

It turns out, Summit is passionate about animals. When she's not working one of her three jobs, she's volunteering for a rescue center in Ridgewood, New Jersey. But the creature who's closest to her heart is her rescue dog, Tucker, a 3-year-old Great Dane-Labrador mix who needed surgery after swallowing a tennis ball. The hospital bills amounted to $2,700.

Summit was just being friendly, telling her story to the customer and his wife. "It was just your average bartender and customer talk," she later told the New York Post. But then they paid their bill and left that $1000 tip. Summit says she felt "shock, complete shock." She says she started shaking and lost her breath. "How could there be three zeros in there?" And then she tried to return the tip.

"Sir, there's no way I can take this." There was no way the man was going to take the tip back, either. He said the tip was to help pay for the dog's bills, and then he thanked the bartender for the work she does for animals. She, in turn, was so overwhelmed by his generosity, she bought another couple breakfast.

Best of all, Tucker is home now, recovering well from his surgery.

Can you believe how sweet that is? After all bartenders do, lending an ear to their customers, and Summit especially with her animal rescue work -- it's so heartening to hear someone expressing their appreciation for that. You have to think when people give back that way it helps make that restaurant a warmer, happier place. And you see the effect it had -- Summit was not only able to saver her dog, she also paid it forward by treating another couple to breakfast. Maybe we're getting a little more compassionate and civilized -- do you think?

What do you think moves people to leave extra-large tips like this?


Image via Marnie Joyce/Flickr

6 Crazy Things We Do After a Divorce

Post by Adriana Velez.

broken heartThere aren't many life-changing upheavals as big as divorce. Even if yours is reasonably amicable and goes well, it can still leave you reeling, wondering who you are now, and grieving over your lost dream for a long, happy marriage. For a lot of us, the first impulse is to grab control of our lives. It feels good to pounce on that one thing we can get right -- and to do it over and over and over again. It keeps us from feeling grief and fear.

It's called avoidant or compulsive behavior. And it's what a lot of us do when we've internalized the turmoil and chaos of our split and are trying to get back on our feet. Here are 6 common examples of post-divorce compulsive behavior, and what you can do about them. 

1. Cleaning house: This was me. For a while I was constantly cleaning my house, and why not? Your home represents YOU, your internal state. But one day my therapist said, "you're a smart and educated women. Is that really the most interesting thing you could be doing with your time?" More importantly, what larger challenges was I avoiding with these menial tasks? Being messy has never felt so right.

2. Dieting: Can't control your life? Maybe you can control everything you eat. Or, maybe eating helps dull the pain. Either way, eating disorders aren't just for young women -- divorce can trigger an eating problem in midlife.

3. Extreme exercise: Similar to the eating disorder, some women work out obsessively after their split. Once again, this is all about control.

4. Super parenting: Women who feel they failed at marriage sometimes try to make up for it by trying to win Mother of the Year. The goal posts for that lofty award are only going to keep moving farther and farther away, and you're going to exhaust yourself.

5. Wild partying: On the other extreme, there are the people who try to bounce back with drinking, drugs, unsafe sex, and regressive behavior. I think we all know you can do a lot of damage that way.

6. Compulsive online dating: There's finding people to connect with IRL through an online dating site, which is healthy. And then there's spending all night looking for thrills and affirmation. That's self-destructive.

Did any of that feel familiar? There are healthy versions, says family therapist Stephanie Manes, "like taking charge of your health, healthy use of exercise to decrease anxiety, reconnecting with friends, and turning to new spiritual practices."

But if you're worried that a good habit is turning into a compulsion, there is something you can do find your equilibrium. Says Dr. Manes:

I have my own 'stop, drop and roll' version of self-directed compassion. If you catch yourself lurching into the deep-end of avoidant behavior, stop where you are and appreciate how much pain or fear or grief you are probably in.

Once you realize that, part of you "softens," she explains. "We really want to be heard, even by ourselves." The next step is to get help -- from a relative, friend, or therapist -- and have them see how you're really coping. Hopefully then you'll truly start taking care of yourself ... and start healing the right way.

Have you ever done anything obsessive or crazy after a breakup or divorce as a way of dealing with it?


Image via Jackie/Flickr

12 Beautiful Summer Drinks That Go Perfectly With Those Sandals

Post by Adriana Velez.

grapefruit margaritaEveryone, May is just around the corner. Who here feels like celebrating? Well I have just the drinks for you, and here's a bonus. These drinks are all so gorgeous, I'm thinking we could even match our outfits with our cocktails. YES, that's probably the girliest thought I've ever entertained. And you know what? Cheers to that. Here's a dozen cocktails almost as pretty as you and your friends. Enjoy!

Couple Use Wicked Sex Toy in Public and Wind Up in the ER

Post by Adriana Velez.

remote controlWhat's the craziest thing you've ever done with a sex toy? I may be asking the wrong question. When was the last time you dared to try a sex toy?

One intrepid young couple, Ashley and Dennis, bravely attempted to use one of the most risque gadgets out there: A wireless remote-control vibrator. That's a vibrator she wears, concealed under her clothes -- and he controls via remote! Ashley and Daniel decided to give it a test run in the grocery store, of all places, and the results landed them on the TLC show Sex Sent Me to the ER.

I got to talk with Ashley and Dennis to find out what exactly happened -- and what words of wisdom they have to impart to any other couple curious about trying this naughty remote. 

Ashley tells me she learned about the remote-controlled vibrator from a girlfriend who had just used it. It sounded fun. Her friend took her to a sex shop and she bought one of her own. Then she brought it to Dennis and said, "Hey, why don't we try this out?"

"We never used any toys like this before," Dennis says, "but I was open to it." He thought it was really cool that it was wireless. "You could be sneaky with it, but you could be discreet. That was the fun part -- it was a mischief thing." 

At first, Ashley liked it. "It was pretty fun. It put me on edge and kept me wondering when he was going to push it next. I was very intrigued that it could go off at any minute. It was thrilling in that aspect."

He could buzz her when she was doing something with her hands, or when she was in the middle of talking with someone.

"I could be far away from her and press a button, and it would reach her," Dennis says. "That was the best part. She didn't know when it was coming." 

But that's where they got into trouble. Ashley, caught off guard at one point, slipped and hit her head -- which is what landed her in the ER. It's all fun and games until someone gets a concussion.

So would they do it again? OH NO. Ashley says getting physically injured put a damper on the whole experience. "There's no upside to being good at using this thing in public," Dennis says. But he thinks it makes a great story and was fun up until the accident.

This hasn't scared the couple away from sex toys in general, but they're not beating down a path to the sex store again any time soon.

"Our sex life is great as it is. We don't need toys to make it better," Dennis says. "We might use toys in the future. We're still open to that, but we don't go seeking them out, either."

As for whether or not they'd recommend the remote vibrator for anyone else, that depends. Ashley suggests testing it out at home first. Dennis says you should just go out there and figure it out for yourself.

Sex Sent Me to the ER airs Saturdays at 9 p.m. EST on TLC. You can see Dennis and Ashley’s story by tuning in to their episode on Saturday, May 3.

Would you dare to try a remote-control vibrator in public or private?


Image via Pete/Flickr

8 Mother's Day Breakfasts Easy Enough for Kids to Make (PHOTOS)

Post by Adriana Velez.

mother's day breakfastsHere's the thing about publishing heavenly Mother's Day brunch ideas on a blog read by moms: Someone else should be reading those posts so they can make you breakfast. What are you supposed to do -- email a link to the post to your husband and kids? Well, yeah, probably, but that's kind of a bummer. And anyway, maybe your people aren't so adept at cooking and barely know how to boil an egg, let along whip up eggs Benedict.

So let's reel back the day's ambitions ... way, way back. Here are some breakfast ideas for people who barely have a grasp on how the toaster works. People who maybe know where you keep the milk. People who are capable of opening a package. Let's start there, with 8 realistic Mother's Day breakfast ideas your kids can actually serve you in bed.

George Clooney's Past Girlfriends -- It's a Long List, Ladies! (PHOTOS)

Post by Adriana Velez.

george clooneyDid you see pigs flying out your window this weekend? Because miracle of miracles, notoriously confirmed bachelor George Clooney became engaged to Amal Alamuddin, a lawyer based in London. He put a ring on it! So right after I Googled Amal Alamuddin to find out what superpowers she possesses, I went digging through George Clooney's romantic history. Exactly how many girlfriends did it take for George to find The One? And did you know this will be his second wedding? That is, if he goes through with it. He will, he will! But before the celebratory champagne bubbles go flat, let's toast to George's ghosts of girlfriends past.

Image via Courtney/Flickr

Britney Spears’ Drastic New Hair Could Be Another Cry for Help (PHOTO)

Post by Adriana Velez.

britney spearsWhen a woman keeps changing her hair color, it usually means one thing: There's a lot of dissatisfied churning going on in her psyche. She's still figuring out who she is. And for young women, that's completely understandable. But this woman is a 32-year-old pop diva. Yes, Britney Spears changed her hair color yet again.This time, Britney debuted an ombre dye job with long extensions at her Las Vegas show over the weekend.

Wasn't it just blond? And didn't Brit just dye her hair red a couple months ago? And then a couple months before that, wasn't she platinum blond? Now she's got something in between, and it's kind of like the hair equivalent of a mid-life crisis!

If you buy into the Britney Spears Hair Color Emotional State Theory, then you know that when Britney's feeling up on life, she goes blond, and when she's feeling pessimistic or low, she goes darker. But what about when she does both? Holy split personality! Check this out.

It's dark brown with those blond streaks. You could say she's conflicted. She's performing again, yay! But she's performing again, ugh! Who knows what's really going on in her personal life, though it does seem to be stable for the moment. I know ombre is still a major trend right now, but for Britney, it's never just about the trend.

Here's a completely different thought, though. Maybe this is Britney recognizing she's a complex human being whose life will always have ups and downs. Maybe this is a statement about life in general. Britney finally gets it -- she's reached a new level of maturity where she accepts the duality of life and has let go. If you think about it, Britney's hair is teaching us all an important life lesson!

Or, you know, maybe Britney just got bored with her hair again and wanted a change.

And don't even get us started on that weird, sparkly, half-naked bodysuit she was wearing ... yikes.

What do you think of Britney's longer, ombre hair?


Images via britneyqueen/Instagram, discotetris/Instagram

Brides and Grooms Are Making Guests Spend HOW MUCH on Their Weddings?!

Post by Adriana Velez.

weddingBrides, we're thrilled you're getting married. And we're touched deeply when you ask us to be part of your wedding party. We're touched deep in our hearts ... and deep, deep in our pockets as well. Did you know that it now costs $600 to be a wedding guest? That's what a survey by American Express says people are spending on bridesmaid dresses, bachelorette parties, travel, hotel, hair, makeup -- pretty much everything but the actual wedding gift. Yikes! When did this spending get so out of control?

More from The Stir: 12 Really Good Reasons to Say No to Being a Bridesmaid

I'm assuming it's a little more than that for bridesmaids and a little less for the guys since women usually spend more on grooming and clothes. So what is that, at least $200 for a dress that can only be worn once (let's be realistic), plus more for alterations. $100 for the shoes. $100 for hair. We're already at $400, and we haven't even factored in hotel, travel, and the bachelorette party. So now that we start doing the math, I can see how this could climb up toward a grand!

Okay, I'm hyperventilating now. Can anyone actually afford to share the love when their friends get married? It's such a high price. Many people end up putting it on a credit card and spending the next few months paying it all off. But what if you have a few friends getting married this summer? Ooh, that's painful for your bank account.

I think this is a good moment to remind brides that while we all understand this is your DREAM wedding and you want everything to be perfect, you need to be considerate of the people in your party. Please do not turn them upside-down and shake out every last penny from their pockets for the sake of your vision.

After all, the wedding isn't actually all about you. It's about your friends and family. Help them feel loved and included by not making them go broke.

How much do you think is a reasonable amount of money a guest should spend on a wedding?


Image via Evelyn Giggles/Flickr

7 Ways to Make Your Relationships After Divorce Better Than Your Marriage

Post by Adriana Velez.

holding handsYou've been divorced for a while, and you finally feel ready to jump back in -- you're ready to find love again. Or you feel like you might be ready ... on good days. I think it's easy to feel scared about starting over with someone new. How do you avoid making the same mistakes? How do you make sure your next relationship is better than your marriage was? Here are a few tips for finding -- and keeping -- love after divorce.

1. Beware of seeing people through your "post-divorce goggles," says family therapist Dr. Stephanie Manes. "Remember your vulnerability can cloud your judgment." Those goggles could make some people look better if you're desperately lonely -- or worse, if you're determined to avoid repeating mistakes -- than they really are.

2. Take things slowly. Dr. Manes cautions against rushing into a relationship. "A small dating rejection or disappointment can feel like a blow from a wrecking ball when you are still trying to heal from a divorce."

3. Be open-minded. Do you have a type? Let go a little and be open to dating different kinds of people. "Believe it or not, you might actually make a new friend, even if they don't turn out to be a soul mate," says Dr. Manes.

4. Make a list of what you need. Family counselor Dr. Laurie Moore recommends making a list of what you need most in a mate -- everything. It doesn't matter how long the list is, or what's on it, as long as everything is truly important. "Ask yourself, which of these are non-negotiable? Which of these could I compromise?" (She details how to create this list in her book Intelligent Love.)

5. Be patient and hold out. Once you've made that list, don't settle for someone who does not meet your requirements. "Sooner or later you'll meet someone who meets your criteria and you share strong feelings with," Dr. Moore says.

6. Think about the role you played in your last relationship. It's important to learn from the past. If you feel you were the wronged party in your marriage, you still need to think about patterns of behavior that contributed to your unhappiness. And then, rather than being negative and blaming, "find a positive, playful way to change your role." (Dr. Moore explains more in Creative Intimacy.)

7. Get help to heal. If you have deep wounds from your marriage, you need to get professional help to heal from them. Leave those wounds untended, and they can have a negative impact on your next relationships.

Some helpful food for thought here. I can say from personal experience that I did a lot of this work (in different ways) after my divorce. And I'm glad I did. I think it made a difference.

What else do you think you need in order to have healthy relationships after a divorce?


Image via Grant/Flickr

10 Romantic Breakfast in Bed Ideas for Mother’s Day (PHOTOS)

Post by Adriana Velez.

mother's day breakfastsLadies, it's almost Mother's Day. Do you know what your guys are making you for breakfast? Now we know you don't like asking, and it's so much sweeter when our guys just think of these things all on their own. But it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if, say, they turned on the computer and happened to see this handy list of romantic Mother's Day breakfast ideas, most of which are easy enough for even a beginner cook handle -- hello, I'm talking to YOU, man who just "stumbled" onto this post!

No pressure, but these 10 breakfast ideas would rock your lady's world first thing in the morning. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is get up before she does (bwa hahaha, no really), tip-toe into the kitchen, prepare said breakfast, and present it to her on a tray while she's still in bed. Try and round up the kids while you're at it. Ready? Okay!

An Easy DIY Piñata That's Perfect for All Those Birthday Parties (PHOTOS)

Post by Adriana Velez.

paper bag pinataWhen I was growing up, we had piñatas for our birthdays -- made from scratch. My parents would go through the whole papier mache process: Blowing up a balloon, pasting over with strips of newspaper, covering with tissue paper. As we got older, we'd help out. I still love the idea of traditionally made piñatas, but it's hard to find the time to make them. Not to mention, they're actually really hard for little kids to break! So when I came across the idea of making a piñata from a paper bag, I got excited. Here's a way to make this craft simpler, faster, and even easier to break.

Here's Do It, Gurl demonstrating how to make a paper bag piñata.

See this video on The Stir by CafeMom.

Is Cooking With Coconut Oil Really Healthy? 4 Facts You Should Know

Post by Adriana Velez.

coconutI admit, I've gone koo-koo for coconut oil. I love the taste; plus, coconut oil is supposed to have all kinds of amazing health benefits. I'm cooking with it, I'm slathering it on my skin, and I've even been spreading it on bread instead of butter. If I could, I would sleep every night in a tub filled with coconut oil, and I would rise every morning with the skin of a newborn baby, I'm sure of it. But are we getting carried away with the coconut oil craze? Here are 4 things you should know about coconut oil that might make you hesitate the next time you reach for that jar.

1. You need to make sure you're buying "virgin" or unrefined coconut oil. It's not hard to find, but unprocessed coconut oil has the benefits you're looking for. Highly processed coconut oil is still out there, and it can raise your bad cholesterol levels.

2. Coconut oil should still be eaten in moderation. Yes, half of the saturated fat in coconut oil is lauric acid. This medium-chain triglyceride coverts quickly into energy and raises "good" cholesterol levels. But doctors caution against eating loads of it, the way you'd eat loads of greens. You still need to exercise moderation with this stuff.

More from The Stir: 8 Surprising Ways to Use Coconut Oil Besides Cooking With It

3. We're still learning about coconut oil's effects. So far the studies look promising. However, most of those coconut oil studies focus on short-term effects. We need to do more research into the long-term effect, especially on heart health. According to Dr. Andrew Weil, the research shows only minimal health benefits of coconut oil over other saturated fats.

4. Coconut oil can't be all things to all people. When a so-called superfood gets that halo effect, we tend to attribute way more health benefits than that food can actually deliver. For those of you with specific health issues (like Lyme's disease), there are specific foods that may target your symptoms. But the rest of us need to be careful not to put any one food up on a pedestal. Eating a variety of healthy foods is the key.

Do you think the health benefits of coconut oil are exaggerated?


Image via Hafiz Issadeen/Flickr

Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici's New Project Flirts With Danger

Post by Adriana Velez.

catherine giudici sean loweThe headline sounds a lot more scandalous than it is. Bachelor couple Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici hop into bed with an Emmy winner! And we know which one -- it's Mr. Good With His Hands Ty Pennington. A threesome? Eww! Please tell me every last, disgusting detail because I need to know NOW. But readers, imagine a much worse scenario than Sean and Catherine and Ty TL4EVA. Can't think of anything? Well here it is. The truth is, Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici are doing a major home project with Extreme Home Makeover. NO!!! It's the debacle that will destroy their relationship.

And it might be too late to stop them. Catherine just posted an Instagram of herself with Sean and Ty Pennington hinting at the mischief the three are getting into.

"Helping design our back yard," Catherine says innocently. Like that's just something you can do without it opening up about 40,000 different arguments. Because now, it's not just what Catherine wants and what Sean wants -- it's Ty's vision, too. Plust they're probably spending long hours in the sun, getting hot and bothered, or inhaling fertilizer fumes at the garden store. I mean, I'm just relieved it's not a home renovation or they'd really be in trouble. Have you ever seen what a couple goes through when they decide to "update their kitchen"? It's not pretty.

Hopefully Ty acts more as an adviser/referee than a designer. Or who knows? Maybe Cath and Sean have zero opinions about what they want their yard to look like. Hah, yeah right! These two? Not a chance.

Well anyway, I have faith that Sean and Catherine's relationship is strong enough withstand this latest challenge. And I just want to make a little suggestion to this creative trio: It's not too late to have a little threesome, maybe under the new rose-covered pergola? I'm just saying -- it would be fun to write about that. You guys give me the exclusive, okay?

Do you think Catherine and Sean will get along well working on this backyard project?


Image via Catherine Giudici/Instagram

Kid Walks in on You During Sex? 6 Things You Should Do Next

Post by Adriana Velez.

do not disturbIt happens to the best of us. It's late at night and you're having sex with your spouse -- as quietly as you possibly can. But just as things are getting exciting you hear a creak and a "Mommy ... ?" EEEK! Your child walked in on you having sex! There you both are, naked, and in a position that's very hard to explain. Plenty of experts have written about how to handle your child when that happens. But you know what? The kid will be okay. What I'm more concerned about is how you're supposed to resume the sex after you've put the little one back to bed. Here are 6 tips for getting back into your sexual groove after your child has walked in on you.

We asked sex expert and author of The Official Booty Parlor Mojo Makeover: 4 Weeks to a Sexier YouDana B. Myers for some advice. Here's what she suggests.

1. Don't give in to a downward spiral of exasperation. "Don't let frustration get the best of you," Myers says. You may want to start ranting, "Why can't we EVER have a moment alone?!?" But nip that in the bud. Avoid using those big words like "never" and "ever."

2. Divide and conquer so you can keep your mind in a sexy state. While one of you (preferably your husband) sends your child back to bed, you do whatever you need to do to stay in the mood. Keep touching yourself, pick up some porn, whatever it takes to "keep your head in the game," as Myers puts it.

3. Don't talk about what just happened. "Kiddie talk is usually libido-crushing," Myers says. You can talk about why your child woke up, how you got her back to sleep, whether or not she needs therapy now (just kidding!) in the morning. But not now.

4. Have a stay-sexy mantra. Find a phrase that keeps you in the mood, like "I'm feeling so hot now" or "nothing can stop me!" Nothing can stop you, sexy mama! I'm serious, mantras help.

5. Return to the same "kind" of sex you were having. If you were having soft, romantic type sex, start by coming face to face and just breathing together, then move on to kissing. If you were having hot lava sex, find something to spark that energy: A toy, props, anything you know will bring back that heightened sense of arousal.

6. Most importantly, be present. Myers emphasizes that the most important thing is that you find a way to become present again. Set aside your feelings of embarrassment or worry for the moment and just try to reignite that connection. Remind yourself, "no matter what happens, our time together is a priority." Put the focus back on your relationship.

Has your child ever walked in on you when you were having sex? What did you do?


Image via jarekwastaken/Instagram

'Wasted' Jennifer Lawrence Gets Wake-Up Call From ... Miley Cyrus?!

Post by Adriana Velez.

jennifer lawrenceDoes our Hollywood BFF have a drinking problem already? An audience member at a taping for Late Night With Seth Meyers says Miley Cyrus scolded Jennifer Lawrence for getting wasted at the Oscars! And Jennifer herself told the story. The source says, "Jen said she was so drunk, she puked on the stairs at Madonna's after-party, and Miley walked by and said something like, 'Get it together, girl!'" Oh man, you know you have a problem when Miley Cyrus, of all people, thinks you're partying too hard.

I can't believe Lawrence is even telling the story, unless she considers it a badge of honor to get scolded by Miley Cyrus. I mean, drinking so much that you vomit is not cool. JLaw is young, but she's old enough now to know her limits. Drinking so much that you vomit AND you can't even hold out until you make it into a bathroom ... yikes, that's really bad. No one wants to be that girl at the party.

You know who I mean. That friend everyone really likes, but you're slightly embarrassed for her because every time there's a party, she's falling apart by the end of the night. There's "fun" tipsy, and then there's falling-down drunk and making everyone else around you cringe and worry. If you like to party, it's important to learn how to craft a buzz. CRAFT. It's an art, meaning it requires discipline and attention to detail.

Okay, enough lecturing from me. I should move over and let Miley Cyrus take over. As crazy as she seems, you never hear about her throwing up on stairs. Maybe we should give her more credit.

At any rate, I hope this was just a case of JLaw getting overly excited about the Oscars (I mean, she was nominated for Best Supporting Actress) and overdoing it because of nerves and standing too close to Brad Pitt, who she says smells like sandalwood. I guess we'll have to wait to hear the whole story on May 21, when the episode airs. But until then -- JLaw, please be careful!

Do you think Jennifer Lawrence's drinking at the Oscars is cause for concern or no big deal?


Image via Pacific Coast News

8 Adorable Crossbody Bags With a Small Pricetag to Match

Post by Adriana Velez.

crossbody bagThe eternal question: Why do I need to carry around a big, heavy purse when guys manage to walk around with a few things in their pockets? The answer is I don't. I could definitely stand to pare down to, say, a little crossbody bag. This is a hand bag just big enough for a phone, wallet, keys, and lipstick, with a long strap you wear crosswise over your body. It's perfect for day, night, and travel. And I've picked out the perfect one! If only it didn't cost $1,600. Why does such a tiny bag cost so much?!?

Okay, back to Earth. Surely there's a crossbody bag in my price range? Realistically, that's around $5, but I don't think I'm going to find anything at that price outside the toy department. Instead, here are 8 crossbody purses under $50 that will definitely fit the bill.

Brilliant Driver Uses Phone Jammer to Teach Texting Commuters a Lesson

Post by Adriana Velez.

texting while drivingYou know what would save lives? If everyone on the road would stop using their glardblamn cellphones while driving. We've all seen how dangerous texting -- hell, even just talking -- on your phone is when you're behind the wheel. People are dying. And only one brave man has been willing to break the law to stop the madness. A cellphone service provider caught a driver using a jammerto keep other drivers from using their cellphones. Apparently he'd been doing this on his morning commute for two years before he was caught. Jason R. Humphreys faces fines of up to $48,000 because guess what? Jamming other people's cellphone use is illegal.

And I understand why. You need to be able to use your cellphone in an emergency. And it's not fair for someone to prevent you from using a service you're paying for. I get all of that.

But I don't blame Mr. Humphreys at all. It must be exasperating, not to mention just plain scary, to see so many drivers, day after day, yammering and tapping away on their phones. I think people who commute daily maybe forget how dangerous driving can be. They're running almost literally on auto-pilot.

I'm sure any person who has ever been in an accident while talking or texting was utterly certain they could handle multitasking seconds before they crashed. And why wouldn't you, if you've gotten away with it many, many times before? Everyone thinks they're the exception.

Back to Mr. Humphreys: The Federal Communications Commission says Metro PCS alerted them a year ago when one of its cellphone towers was experiencing interference during morning and evening commutes. The feds traced it to strong emissions coming from Humprheys' truck. So ... he has to stop that now, obviously. But that should serve as a public service announcement to everyone. Please, could we put down our phones or pull over to the side of the road? Is anyone listening?

Do you think the cellphone jammer is a hero or does he deserve to be fined?


Image via Oregon Department of Transportation/Flickr

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