Channel: The Stir By CafeMom: Blogger Adriana Velez
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8 Most Humiliating Swimsuit Fails and How to Fix Them (PHOTOS)

Post by Adriana Velez.

bikiniMy great wish for all the women of the world is that we carry ourselves with confidence and self love when we're at the pool or the beach. Whatever you've got, wear it like the goddess that you are. But if you're concerned about avoiding humiliation while frolicking half-naked in public, there are a few swimsuit wardrobe malfunctions you should prepare yourself for. Some of these can be avoided, ladies. And some of these others just happen -- but you can still maintain your dignity regardless.

Roast Lamb Recipe With Rosemary for a Delicious Easter Feast

Post by Adriana Velez.

roast lambEvery Easter I spend a few minutes contemplating ham for Easter. And then I say no. Why? Because: LAMB. I just love it, especially roasted with herbs. So this year for my Easter dinner, I'm considering thisroast leg of lamb with rosemary and lavender -- yes, lavender. I've had lamb with rosemary many times, but never lavender. Sounds so springy, even though lavender is actually a late summer bloom. If this sounds a little too exotic for you, leave out the lavender (and the jam) and this will still deliver a standout classic lamb main course that your family will love.

Roast Leg of Lamb With Rosemary and Lavender via Food & Wine


For the lamb:

1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

1/4 cup minced rosemary

3 tablespoons minced fresh lavender leaves or 1 1/2 tablespoons dried herbs de Provence

4 garlic cloves, grated

One 3 1/2-pound boneless leg of lamb

Kosher salt

Freshly ground black pepper

For the jam:

6 medium shallots, thinly sliced

1/2 cup pitted Medjool dates, thinly sliced

1 teaspoon honey

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar


1. Preheat the oven to 450°. In a small bowl, whisk 1/4 cup of the olive oil with the rosemary, lavender, and garlic. Season the lamb all over with salt and pepper. Rub half of the herb oil all over the inside of the lamb, then roll up the meat and tie with kitchen string to form a neat roast. Spread the remaining herb oil all over the roast and set it on a rimmed baking sheet.

2. Roast the lamb for about 15 minutes, until just starting to brown. Reduce the oven temperature to 375° and roast the lamb for about 1 hour longer, until an instant-read thermometer inserted in the thickest part registers 130° for rare meat. Transfer the lamb to a carving board and let rest for 30 minutes.

3. Meanwhile, in a medium saucepan, heat the remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil until shimmering. Add the shallots, dates, honey, and a pinch of salt and cook over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, until the shallots are softened, about 7 minutes. Add the vinegar and cook, stirring occasionally, until most of the liquid has evaporated and the jam is thick, 3 to 5 minutes; season with salt and let cool.

4. Untie the lamb roast and slice the meat against the grain. Serve with the shallot-date jam.


Image via Jones, Huw/the food passionates/Corbis

Tidy Cat Cleans Up His Own Toilet Paper Mess All By Himself (VIDEO)

Post by Adriana Velez.

willie the catYou know that awesome thing toddlers do when they unroll an entire roll of toilet paper and then scamper off, leaving the bathroom in a snowdrift of TP? Wicked little trolls. Well, here's one thing cats have over toddlers -- or at least one cat does. You have to see this video. Yes, it's a cat video. I am pushing a cat video today! It's that kind of Thursday. But this one is worth it, I swear. I don't push just any kind of cat video on my readers. Check out what this cat named Willie does with a roll of toilet paper.

See this video on The Stir by CafeMom.

Right? So helpful! Now why can't a toddler do that? I kind of want to borrow Willie so he can help me with a few chores around the house. He seems quite clever and useful. Perhaps he's good at squeezing all the toothpaste to the end of the tube like it should be. Maybe he'll lick off all the dirty hand prints on the refrigerator door. Does he do windows?!?

Then again, maybe he'll just cough up a hairball in the middle of my living room rug. He is, after all, a cat.

Still, I am impressed. It's annoying that he unrolls the paper in the first place, but when he rolls it back up again, I just think ... could cats actually have the capacity for empathy after all? Nah! This is probably just some sort of weird cat mind trick he's playing on us. Tomorrow he'll knock over a potted plant and look at you like, "WHUT???" when you find a big pile of soil all over the living room rug.

Do you think this cat was trained to do this? What am I saying -- you can't train a cat. Or can you?


Image via Michael Thompson/YouTube

How to Say No to Sex Without Hurting Your Husband

Post by Adriana Velez.

couple in bedWe joke sometimes about the excuses women use to get out of sex with their husbands. But after the laughter dies down there's always that uncomfortable truth that goes unsaid: It's probably better for your relationship if you just tell the truth. But how? The reason most women avoid saying NO to sex is because we're afraid of hurting the the men we love.

We talked with three relationship experts for their advice on dancing the dance of not-in-the-mood. How can you turn it into a positive -- or can you?


"It's like anything in a relationship," says author and relationship expert Andrea Syrtash. "Sex needs to be communicated and negotiated." It's okay if you're not on the same page about having sex right then, right there. The important thing is to be open and honest and trusting enough with your partner so he knows this is not about hurting him. Make sure you're clear that "you want to be affectionate and connect, just not in that way right now."

She suggests doing something that may not sound very sexy, but can help a lot: "Discuss a general time of day when sex is more or less appealing." Suggest a time that works best for you. "It's a matter of creatively finding a solution together." Syrtash has a whole chapter about this issue in her book, Cheat on Your Husband (With Your Husband).

Sex therapist Dr. Logan Levkoff says this doesn't even have to be a "yes" or "no" proposition. If having traditional sexual intercourse, the whole enchilada, sounds like too much for you, find a compromise that works for both of you. "It shouldn't be a chore," she says. "There are other ways to experience sexual pleasure and intimacy with your partner besides sexual intercourse." She suggests things like kissing or using a vibrator.

Be careful about the tone of voice you use, Dr. Levkoff cautions. Imagine yourself on the other end of this conversation. How would you want to hear this message? Make sure your partner knows it's about you at this moment; You're not rejecting HIM. Then, "Be hopeful about the future." Make plans to have sex at a better time.

Something to think about, though. If you find yourself saying no to sex more often than yes, you really need to think about why. "Saying no a lot can breed hostility," Dr. Levkoff says. So if you can't remember the last time you said yes to sex, it may mean you need to address a larger issue.

Finally, think about what does get you in the mood for sex so you can get more of it, whatever it is. Sex expert Yolanda Shoshana  says, "If you are out of sync with your partner ask yourself what you need to get in the mood. Don't focus on the things that your partner isn't doing right because that is sure to turn you off. Once you know what gets you going you can share that information with your partner. Let him know to consider it as a part of foreplay."

But if you've been together for years, shouldn't he already know what works for you? "Men really do want to know how to please their woman, but they can't read our minds." As frustrating as it may seem, it really does pay off to communicate what turns you on.

What do you usually do when he's in the mood for sex and you're not?


Image via Ryan Stuart/moodboard/Corbis



Cher Dares to Wear Pasties at 67 -- Do You Dare Look? (PHOTOS)

Post by Adriana Velez.

cher nipple pastiesCould someone please help me? I've gone temporarily blind from seeing something I didn't want to see this morning. Something my brain is desperately trying to forget. What was it again? Oh no, I remember now: Oh God -- it's the sight of Cher wearing glitter heart pasties. I would tear out my eyeballs now, but it's clearly too late. The damage is done. 

Cher wore bright red, sequined, heart-shaped pasties in a performance for her "Dressed to Kill" tour. DRESSED TO KILL INDEED. This was just one of many eye-stabbing costumes the 67-year-old matron of glam wears in her show, including something that looks like her "Turn Back Time" strappy bondage bodice. Do you dare feast your eyes on Cher with glitter heart boobs? Do you?!? 

cher nipple pasties

I knew you couldn't resist. Hey, actually I have to give the woman some respect. She must have some sort of bionic confidence to pull off one half-naked costume after another at her age. She's almost 70! And even though we're maybe seeing more of her than we want to, she's in pretty damn great shape for any age.

Not to mention how impressive it is that she's pulling off this stage performance. Cher has incredible stamina and energy, and I admire that. I want to be that strong and energetic when I'm 67. It's inspiring, in a way. 

cher nipple pasties

And how about this? There are throngs of people who actually DO want to see Cher in glitter heart pasties: Gay men. I couldn't begin to understand what that's all about, but good for Cher and her fans. Something is working there, even if I don't get it.

Do you think Cher's heart pasties are giving Madonna ideas?


Images via tcamino33/Instagram, breiss2014/Instagram

8 Gorgeous Homemade Easter Baskets That Don't Cost a Fortune (PHOTOS)

Post by Adriana Velez.

easter basketsDoes it seem like Easter baskets just keep getting bigger, tackier, and more expensive every year? Maybe you don't want to hand your child a gargantuan cellophane-wrapped basket full of cavities-waiting-to-happen. Maybe you'd like to present them instead with something simple and beautiful that they'll actually remember -- and that isn't crazy expensive, either. We've got you covered. Here are 8 simply adorable Easter basket ideas that won't break the bank -- but will deliver some sweet holiday magic.

'Mad Men' Video of Don Draper Kissing and Kissing Will Get You All Hot and Bothered (VIDEO)

Post by Adriana Velez.

don draper kissingFriends, we've got Don Draper right where we want him, doing what he does best: Kissing. If it's been a while since you've felt your toes curl with pleasure, since you've felt that electric thrill run up your spine, since you've felt much warmer than you should feel in April, please have a look at this video. It's New York magazine's supercut of Don Draper kissing ... and kissing, and kissing, and kissing. The best kisses of every season of Mad Men, all in one video. I mean, what else is there to say? You will like this.

Wait: Maybe before you start watching the video you should make sure you've gotten everything you need to get done today. I'm just saying, because after you see this you're going to want to spend the next few hours getting to know it better. You may lose track of time. The children will start asking you to feed them, and you'll be unable to tear yourself away. I'm warning you. It's too late for me -- I'm done for. The rest of the evening is pretty much lost to Draperland. Save yourselves!

Well I warned you.

Oh that Don Draper. Such a dysfunctional, no-good, toxic, disaster of a man. And yet -- so irresistible. It's just a good thing he doesn't exist in real life. It's so much safer to enjoy his seductive gifts from the safe distance of our living room sofas, right?

Right. Okay, I have to finish writing this post so I can go watch the video a few more times. When does the premiere start again?

Does Don Draper do it for you, or are you stronger than that?


Image via AMC


Throw a 'Mad Men' Viewing Party Even Betty Draper Would Love!

Post by Adriana Velez.

mad men season 7Far out, season 7 of Mad Men premieres this weekend. Lay it on me, man! Are you ready? If you're plannin' on jammin' with some friends while you watch, we've got your scene right here. Dig it: Nothing too complicated, just groovy munchies and tunes. Here are some recipes and suggestions to make your Mad Men viewing party outta sight! Do you want me to stop talking this way? No way, Jose! Okay, fine. Here's your party guide. 

1. Send themed invites: Pingg has lots of cool Mad Men-themed evite templates, and some of them are even free. You might want to encourage people to arrive in costume if your friends are into that sort of thing. But no pressure.

2. Set the mood with the right music: Play some vintage classics, depending on which characters you want to channel. For Don Draper, maybe some Frank Sinatra, Elvis, and Tony Bennett. For Peggy, some Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan. If you're on Spotify, there's an official Mad Men playlist, among several others by users.

3. Serve kitchy snacks: Time to roll out your favorite vintage finger foods! Here's what I suggest.

Green olives


Cheese balls with carrot and celery sticks

Fruit skewers 

Pigs in a blanket

Deviled eggs

Candy cigarettes (because who smokes anymore?)

4. Serve drinks Don and his colleagues would love: Go simple and vintage here, too. 

Orange sherbet punch: 1 container orange sherbet, 2 liters ginger ale, 1 bottle sparkling wine (optional) 

Old-fashioned: Put 1 sugar cube in a glass. Splash it with 2 or 3 dashes of bitters and a little splash of water or club soda. Crush the cube, swirl around the sugar, add a large ice cube, and pour in 2 ounces of whiskey, preferably rye. (Because that's what Don drinks.)

Martini: Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Pour in 1 ounce of dry vermouth and 4 ounces of gin. Stir and strain into appropriate glass. Add an olive.

5. Play some drinking games. And now that you've got your drinks, how about a few Mad Men drinking games? Here's one more fun Mad Men drinking game from last season.

Do you think watching shows like Mad Men is more fun with friends or alone?


Image via AMC

4 Gorgeous MTV Movie Awards Looks and 4 That Made Us Groan (PHOTOS)

Post by Adriana Velez.

lupita nyong'oIt's April. It's time for the 2014 MTV Movie Awards. And we're all tired of formal fashion! Time to take things down a notch. Now that the big, fancy awards season is over, the celebs lighten up for this laid-back, casual show. But this is still no time to phone it in. I can't believe how many little black dresses I saw last night. Are we that sick of dressing up? Not everyone is! Here are four ensembles worth talking about and four ensembles that gave Grumpy Cat a reason to growl.

Make an Allergy-Free Easter Basket Without Losing All the Fun

Post by Adriana Velez.

allergy free easter basketAlmost everyone is thrilled when the Easter candy starts rolling into stores -- everyone except people with peanut allergies (and their parents). For these folks the Easter basket is a receptacle of anaphylactic shock waiting to happen. So many classic candies are made in a factory that processes nuts. It's kind of a bummer! What's a candy lover with nut and other allergies supposed to do? Well, the good news is it's entirely possible to build an allergen-free Easter basket. You just have to be a little more creative and a whole lot more careful. Here are a few tips.

1. Don't do candy at all: Veronica LaFemina of Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) recommends looking beyond candy for Easter baskets. “Easter- or spring-themed items like books, toys, stickers, or crafts can be a great way to create a fun-filled basket for a child with food allergies." Kids With Food Allergies has a great list of non-edible Easter basket gifts.

2. Find nut-free treats: Okay, fine. Maybe you find that idea a bummer. The Bay Area Allergy Advisory Board has a recently updated list of peanut- and tree-nut-free candy. Just remember to check each and every label, regardless. And, LaFemina cautions, if you're buying for a child (not your own), check with their parents before adding those food items.

3. Beware of the Easter versions: Even if the "regular" version of the candy is nut-free, the Easter version may not be, so beware of that as well. "Keep in mind that the holiday versions of some treats can have different ingredients or warnings than their regular counterparts," LaFemina says.

4. Make your own Easter treats: How about some rice krispie eggs? And here's a list of 50 homemade Easter candy recipes -- many of which are nut-free.

How do you handle food allergies and holiday candy?


Image via Meagan Tintari/Flickr

One Mom’s Passionate Message to Teachers of Kids With Autism

Post by Adriana Velez.

diane langWhen it comes to finding the right schools for kids with challenges like autism, often it's not bullying by other kids that we have to worry about; it's bullying by adults who just don't understand how these special conditions affect kids. One mom made that heart-sinking discovery when she enrolled her son with autism in a small, private Catholic school.

"We couldn't think of a better place for our son," Diane Lang writes in a heartbreaking blog post, "How Do We Determine the Worth of a Child?" Lang believed the school's Christian values and supportive community would provide exactly the environment her son needed, "where kindness and compassion were paramount." Over time, though, it all fell apart.

Lang's son was increasingly excluded and sent home. Teachers sent her notes and letters that betrayed a complete lack of understanding of autism's symptoms, not to mention a lack of compassion in general. She includes excerpts from some of these letters -- and they could bring you to tears. Lang eventually pulled her son from the school.

We asked Lang to tell us a little more about her experience, why she told her story, and what she hopes will come from sharing it.

The Stir: What was your goal in sharing your story? Did you just need to vent, or are you hoping the school, teachers, or parents could learn from it and possibly change? Are there any outcomes you’d want to see, if at all possible?

Lang: After reflection, I realized that the school simply wore me down last year and we left because of it. I should have fought back then, but I didn't have the energy because of the daily calls from the school. The resentment and bitterness I've held in since last spring have fueled a new fight.

Most of all, I want the teachers to recognize their lack of compassion and see that sometimes they need to step outside of the box for the good of a child. They need to educate themselves on behavior and how to correct it instead of just shunning the child. What does that teach the typical children? The other parents, for us, were never an issue. They valued my son's differences and were glad to have their children exposed to him.

The Stir: What’s the biggest thing you’d like moms to take away from this -- both moms of autistic children and moms of typical kids?

Lang: I want moms to know that we need to stand up to mean teachers and administrators. Even typical children are occasionally exposed to a teacher who crosses the line; throw in a learning disability or stubborn behavior and the teachers may just give up entirely -- if the students and parents don't give up first.

The Stir: Has the school responded to your post?

Lang: The school administration has not responded, but there has been an outpouring of support from students' families. They know my son and are shocked and saddened to know the things that were said about him.

The Stir: Do you see the lack of compassion among the teachers as a leadership failure from the top, or do you think some adults are just resistant to understanding the needs and perspective of kids with autism?

Lang: I don't necessarily see this as a top-down issue. The principal, in fact, made an attempt to integrate my son, and the year before last, my son had a fantastic teacher who "got" him. Some adults are absolutely resistant to understanding the needs and perspective of kids with autism, ADHD, and any other round peg that won't fit in their square hole.

Have you experienced similar problems with the adults at your children's schools? How did you handle the situation?


Image via Diane Lang

8 Hilariously Bad Easter Egg Fails and How to Fix Them (PHOTOS)

Post by Adriana Velez.

easter egg failsDyeing Easter eggs: It's such a simple idea. You dunk boiled eggs into colored water. They dry. And you get a beautiful rainbow of colored orbs. SO WHY DOES SO MUCH GO WRONG? Some of you manage egg dyeing with no problem. The rest of us struggle every year with the unfortunate condition known as Easter Egg Fail. Here are the 8 most common failures -- and what you can do to either prevent them or repair the damage.

Make Your Own Easter Peeps in 6 Adorably Easy Steps (PHOTOS)

Post by Adriana Velez.

make your own peepsI love those marshmallow Peeps as much as the next person. But have you ever had a homemade marshmallow? Oh man, they're outrageously soft and wonderful. If you're up for it, making your own Peeps is definitely worth the effort. You can even customize them with your own flavors -- you're limited just by your imagination! It's not that hard, either. Here's 6 steps for making your very own marshmallow Peeps.

WARNING: Be very, very careful -- hot marshmallow can burn!

1. Mix your sugars. Sift everything to keep it clump-free.

2. For extra flavor in the sugar, add freeze-dried fruit. Or, use lemon zest.

3. You can use just about any marshmallow recipe -- like our own homemade marshmallow recipe! Becca tells me it's much, much easier if you have a stand mixer.

4. Put your (slightly cooled) marshmallow batter into a pastry bag with a round tip to squeeze out those little ducklings. It's a two-step process to make each peep.

peep 1

One blob of marshmallow for the base ...


With a smaller blob on top for the head. Do a few practice peeps to get the hang of it.

5. When you've made one you like, sprinkle top with sugar. Then let them set for a few hours.

6. To make the eyes, melt some chocolate and dab on with a toothpick.

This excellent video tutorial by The Baking Guru spells it all out for you.

See this video on The Stir by CafeMom.

Would you ever try making homemade Peeps?


Images via TheBakingGuru/YouTube


How to Have That Big Relationship Talk Without Freaking Out

Post by Adriana Velez.

couple talkingYou've been dating someone special for a while now, and it's definitely going somewhere. In fact, it's going so well you've lost interest in the other guys you were maybe dating. You're telling your girlfriends about him and you stop just short of calling him your boyfriend because ... is he your boyfriend yet? And if you've stopped dating other guys, has he stopped dating other women, too? Lady, it's time to Define The Relationship -- also known as the "what are we" talk. And it's not as hard as it seems.

1. Feel out to see if you're both ready. Do you find yourself wondering what the status of your relationship is? Does it feel natural to think of him as your boyfriend? What about him -- is he spending more and more time with you, making plans in advance? Has he bought you a toothbrush to keep at his apartment? (That's when I knew.) Has he introduced you to friends or family? Are people starting to ask you if you're a couple? Do you like the idea of both of you as a couple?

I love Cosmo's flow chart on where is this going.

2. Find the right time. Right after sex is not one of those times, okay? Pick a moment (other than that, or during sex) when you're both feeling relaxed and can focus on each other for a few minutes without being interrupted. I think one of your homes is better than in a public place, too. Also, don't be drunk. Like, maybe don't drink at all for this conversation, even if you're nervous.

3. Keep the conversation light. Don't make it a heavy thing -- keep the tone upbeat and fun as much as possible. You're not discussing your will with your lawyer.

4. Start with a positive opener. Notice something. "This is the best weekend we've spent together, and this is the third one in a row, too!" Bring up something you do together that seems to indicate that you're, you know, headed into relationship territory. Whatever you do, don't start with WE NEED TO TALK.

5. Then say what this means to you. You've noticed you're spending more time together, you're enjoying that -- you really like him! And you want to continue getting to know him. How does he feel about that?

6. Listen to what he says. Does he agree? What does he add to the conversation? Listen to what he's actually saying, not what you want to hear him say.

7. Only at this point do you bring up exclusiveness. If it really, truly sounds like he's in there with you on this relationship thing, then take it to the next level. You might say, "I shut down my OK Cupid account because I'm just not interested in meeting anyone else now." Or, "I've started turning down dates with other guys because I'm having so much fun with you." Again, see how he responds to that news.

8. And take it from there. If he doesn't say he's going exclusive, too, don't panic. It may mean he's just not there yet. You may way to give it a couple more weeks -- but not too much more time. If he admits he's stopped seeing other people, too (this happens, ladies, I swear!) great. You've got a thing -- have fun!

Have you had a DTR recently? What's your advice?


Image via Hiya Images/Corbis




4 Tricks to a Sexy Messy Bun You Can Do Yourself

Post by Adriana Velez.

messy bun You know that casual, messy, yet perfect bun you sometimes see on women? It looks like they just twisted their hair up into that 'do with one swift movement. But then you go home and try to do the same thing and it looks all kinds of wrong. Dah! Why is the "messy" bun so hard to pull off?

Well, it's not. We just need the right tutorial -- and I found it! After looking at several different versions, I've found my very favorite how-to for the mussed-just-right top knot, that bun that makes you look like an effortlessly chic femme from Paris. And best of all, I tried it out myself, and if I can pull it off, anyone can.

Here are a few tips to make it work.

1. Finger comb all of your hair way up to the top of your head -- the very top, not too far back. Don't worry about getting your hair perfectly smooth.

top knot

2. Twist your hair and coil it around into a tight bun.

3. Secure that bun with an elastic a little bit away from your roots.

4. Now, tug your hair loose from the bun. Pull strands from opposite ends of the bun away from each other all around. (This is me doing my own bun.)


When you've arrived at your desired messiness, you're done!

top knot

Here's Makeup by Alli to demonstrate -- I love how much detail she shows.

See this video on The Stir by CafeMom.

Have you ever attempted the messy bun?


Images via MakeupByAlli/YouTube

Take a Look Inside the Most Expensive House EVER Sold! (PHOTOS)

Post by Adriana Velez.

copper beech farmMove over Queen of Versailles, owner of the biggest house in America. Here's something even more exciting: The most expensive single-family home in the U.S. just sold for $120 million. Known as Copper Beech Farm, this estate sits on the waterfront of tony Greenwich, Connecticut. It includes an enormous, 13,000-square-foot landmark house that was built over 100 years ago, so you can't even call it a tacky McMansion. I mean, you could if you wanted to just because you're being eaten alive by your envy, but that would be inaccurate.

Would you like to see what a $120 million house looks like? Well get ready to see that and more, because this property isn't just about the house. There's much, much more. Let's sneak in and have a look, shall we?

8 Ways to Give Yourself a Boob Job Without Plastic Surgery (PHOTOS)

Post by Adriana Velez.

boob job without plastic surgeryYou'll never guess who's not so happy with the assets that made her famous. Kate Upton wishes she had smaller boobs! The Sun claims she told them, "I wish I had smaller boobs every day of my life as I would love to wear spaghetti tops braless or go for the smallest bikini designs." NO! Yes! As a member of the smaller boob clan, I am flabbergasted. All this time I've been seeing photos of Kate and wondering what it must be like to own a set of naturals like that. (Okay, fine, now Kate is saying she never said she wanted smaller boobs.)

But here's the brilliant thing fictional Upton added: "If I could just take them off like they were clip-ons ..." OMG, that's perfect. If we could really have that kind of versatility, how amazing, right? Well, we do have boob size options, sort of. Here are the best ways to change your breast size without doing anything radical, like getting plastic surgery or (gulp) getting pregnant. I guess they'll have to do ... for now.

8 Ways a Special Needs Couple Can Make Their Marriage Work

Post by Adriana Velez.

ringsThirty years ago, two young tots met through their moms. They had one important thing in common: Both have Down syndrome. But they found a lot more that drew them together, and over the years, they fell in love. Now Austin Wayne Underwood and Jessica Smith are getting marriedthis summer. The Texas couple is planning a Western-themed wedding, complete with custom-made cowboy boots. Yee-haw!

Jessica and Austin met when their mothers bonded over trying to mainstream their kids wherever they could. And it was thanks to their moms that Austin and Jessica are now getting to do what so many of us dream of and take for granted: get married!

But they can't do it alone. Couples with mental and developmental disabilities need a strong support network to help them with some very specific challenges. Here are 8 things that can help a special needs marriage like Jessica and Austin's flourish.

austin jessica

1. Focus on what's possible. "Not every person with Down syndrome will get married," says teacher Carol Heath, whose student Christi Hockel was one of the lucky ones who did. "But they can have a life that isn't all about their disabilities. It's about their abilities." 

2. Remember what makes a marriage work: love, kindness, affection, clear communication. This is true for any couple, not just couples with Down syndrome.

3. Make sure your parents or guardians aren't too protective or invasive. Sometimes even parents who want to be supportive of your marriage have a hard time letting go and allowing you to have the independence you know you're capable of, according to Sarah Weir, vice president of advocacy for the National Down Syndrome Society. Be patient but be clear about your need for independence.

4. Even if you live on your own, remember that you'll still need outside support. This can come from your family, friends, caregivers, and other loved ones. Keep in touch regularly and set up routines so you can get the support you need.

5. Make sure your living arrangements will allow your marriage to flourish. Your home may need to be adapted for any physical challenges. And you may need some support for day-to-day needs. But you'll also need time alone together so your relationship can continue to grow.

6. As with any committed relationship or marriage, discuss your expectations with your partner (and your specialists). How do you feel about kids? What will you do if one of you becomes sick? Do you agree about finances? What about sex?

More from The Stir: World Down Syndrome Day Helps Show the Beauty in Something Many Fear

7. Be prepared for a host of outside health issues and other complications. People with Down syndrome may need extra support with any illnesses and conditions -- like taking medication for diabetes or being able to get to doctor's visits, says Weir. 

8. Understand how marriage affects your health-care benefits. "Financial and benefit barriers are two of the biggest challenges people with disabilities face," says Weir. Many special needs people get some sort of benefits to help with adaptive equipment, therapy, services, and day-to-day expenses. With the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program, couples automatically get their benefits cut by a quarter, each, once they get married.

Something else to think about: getting involved in the bigger picture. Many special needs people and their families are urging legislators to pass the ABLE (Achieving a Better Life Experience) Act. This would help relieve people with disabilities of some of the marriage penalties they face.

We wish Austin and Jessica and other Down syndrome couples lucky enough to find each other and get married a lifetime of happiness, love, and laughter!

Do have any other advice for special needs couples like Jessica & Austin who are getting married?


Image via Anthony Kelly/Flickr

Viagra Ice Cream Served at Star's Birthday Party Left Guests Very 'Happy'

Post by Adriana Velez.

arousal viagra ice creamLadies, I have found the one ice cream flavor probably none of us wants to try. It's a blue Viagra-laced ice cream called "arousal." Food inventor Charlie Harry Francis created the confection for the birthday party of an A-list celeb client he refuses to name. (But we're taking guesses!) The ice cream is champagne flavored, and each scoop contains 25 milligrams of Viagra. That's about what you get from the lowest dose of the male enhancement drug.

In his blog, Lick Me I'm Delicious, Francis says he had to sign a confidentiality agreement with his client and can't tell us much more than that. But, he adds, "I am allowed to say that they were 'very happy with the end result.'" ORLLY Francis? I'd love to learn more. I mean -- I know what Viagra does. I'm just curious about what effect this blue ice cream had on the birthday party.

Did it just turn into a huge orgy? I'm picturing a bunch of men running around in togas, chasing down nymphs, Decline of the Roman Empire-style. I'm a little bit scared -- but also intrigued. I mean, if the guys ate more than one scoop of ice cream ... zoiks! What if they ate lots and lots of it, not really understanding the risks? What if the party turned into total mayhem?

Because there's a dark side to male enhancement drugs. If you take too much of the stuff terrible things can happen. And I don't mean terrible as in hot and exciting stuff you'd want to keep private. I mean terrible as in infections, erections that last days, fractures. Did you hear about the guy in Colombia who almost had his penis amputated because he took too much Viagra? Dude broke his freakin' penis with the stuff.

And what if women accidentally ate the ice cream? Actually, what if nothing. Viagra may get your aroused, and you may experience some of the side effects, but otherwise it's probably not going to have much of an effect on you one way or another. So says Cosmo, which we're assuming is an authority on that sort of thing. I just hope Francis the Ice Cream Man concocted another flavor for the ladies. Maybe laced with morning after pills? Just an idea.

Which celeb would you guess ordered the Viagra ice cream? What do you think happened at the party?


Image via Lick Me I'm Delicious


18 Beautiful Ways to Wear Hair Jewelry (PHOTOS)

Post by Adriana Velez.

hair jewelsI don't know if it's because of Game of Thrones or the lightness of spring, but I'm seeing a lot of hair jewelry lately. I love how it looks, but how do you pull it off, exactly? There are so many different ways to style it. Well, the good news is that hair jewelry can be as simple -- or as elaborate -- as you want it to be. So if you've ever found yourself standing in front of a rack of rhinestone hair pins wondering where the heck to actually pin them, here are 18 beautiful hair jewelry looks to give you some inspiration.

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